David Cassidy was arrested for drunk driving January 10, 2014 for the third time. Sure, it’s easy to dismiss him as some washed-up TV pop star loser but we at the Partridge Family Temple know this to be wrong. How much does David Cassidy/Keith Partridge love us? More than you could ever know. Jesus took on the cross and the lash and the scorn. Why? Because like many gurus, he was taking our sins onto himself showing us the way. Sure, he seems like some has-been playing casinos but Brother and Sister, you have no idea.
David drives drunk to show us ourselves. The alcohol symbolizes ignorance, confusion, distortion and seeing double when all should be One. He drives a car because he understands the symbolism of the chariot. We are out of control swerving in and out of reality. As he swerves along the highways and byways, tears stream down his face. He knows that prison lies at the end of his journey. But he understands that we already live in our own prison and he wants us to be free from the shackles of that life sentence.
And so as people laugh and think of David as another fuck-up like Danny Partridge, we at The Temple fall on our hands and knees and give thanks that the widow’s son cares so much about us.
Truly David Cassidy spells LUV!